Friday, October 17, 2008

A Nice Fall Day at Work

Although the ride in to work was in the mid-40s, my riding gear kept me nice and warm. In addition to the regular Air Mesh Kevlar Jacket(with liner) and pants(over jeans), I also put on the ATV Grip Covers I normally use on Maria during really cold days to see how they'd work out on Brigitta.

Yeah, GS style hand guards for Airheads would look better....

I am happy to report no issues with accessing the handlebar controls with these grip covers on. I was able to just use my summer mesh gloves under them and my hands stayed warm enough during the 11 mile commute to work.

The covers do nothing for Brigitta's looks but I know if I had to ride her in really cold weather, that it's doable, at least where my hands are concerned.

Later on, as I walked out of work, I took this picture of Brigitta and three other motorcycles who were out in the nice sunny and by now 70 degree weather. Brigitta fired right up and off we went to enjoy a nice ride home on a nice Fall day.

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