Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ride to Vote!

For those of you who've not voted yet via early voting, here's a chance to show your fellow voters on election day that there's riders out there amongst them, doing their civic duty.

I will ride that day, however, I already voted early. Got this in my email:

Press Release: For immediate publication

Date: 10/29/08
Subject: Ride to Vote

On Election Day (Tuesday, November 4th 2008), make your vote count in the polling booth and on the road - by riding your motorcycle or scooter to vote!

No matter which candidates, propositions and issues you support, please help demonstrate that motorcycle and scooter riding is an important part of our world’s mobility landscape. Ride to your polling place, park near the entrance, and wear your riding gear when you cast your ballot. Let the other voters see you as a rider! Election day is a great day to let everyone know you “Ride to Vote, and Vote to Ride”! So record your vote, and let your riding actions be seen. And spread the word with ‘I Rode’ and ‘Vote to Ride’ stickers:

Download “Ride to Vote” Stickers and buttons here:

Print (on adhesive paper) these “I rode to vote” stickers/buttons. Wear yours to work, and wherever you go during the rest of the day. If anyone asks you about your “Ride to Vote” sticker, remind them that riding is a good solution to many social, urban mobility and environmental issues.

Spread the message and encourage others to join the “Ride to Vote” effort this year. And please pass this email on to other riders to help encourage “Ride to Vote”! rides. By riding everywhere on Election Day, you make a statement about the value and importance of motorcycle and scooter riding.

For additional information, please visit the Ride to Work website at:
The 18th annual Ride to Work Day will be held June 15th, 2009

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