Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mild Weather P0rn

The forecast for this afternoon was 40% thunder showers. Cool!

Errands, shopping by my loving wife and seeing "Streets of Fire" again on TV kept me from departing until it was after 3pm. This worked out good for me since the day had been gorgeous up until then. Since the objective was to get some "weather porn" with the approaching storm front, the timing worked well. We'd just had a week of gorgeously sunny and mostly temperate riding weather but what's the fun in that? : )

I headed South towards Parker using the back roads through the neighborhood suburbs to the West of the town of Parker. I crossed westward on Hess Road and explored some roads I'd not been on before on the eastern suburbs of Parker. The area afforded me some nice, not too heavily built-up locations for shots of Maria with the approaching storm in the background.

Near the Double Angels Baseball Park, Parker

Maria keeps a weather eye out

The storm gets a bit closer

Near home at the Plains Conservation Center

It was starting to lightly rain as I took the last few shots so I scooted on home. The winds were picking up as well but I managed to make it home with no problems.

Hope you enjoyed the weather porn, not very extreme stuff but not bad. I've got to figure out why my camera is not locking in the exposure setting from shot to shot on the panorama shots, it causes those lines between segments.

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