Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fairing Options for Airheads

Regular readers of this blog know my liking of the S Fairing for Brigitta, my 1987 R80. The S fairing came out in the late 70s for the R90S and R100S airheads and made quite the impression not only in the BMW motorcycling community but went on to become icons of the era.


A really nice reproduction

Brigitta, my meager version of the above pics

Through the services of Google, one can also find other fairings by aftermarket manufacturers that were made to go on Beemer Airheads such as mine. Sure there were the faired versions from BMW for the RT and RS versions but the following are ones that caught my eye:

Manufacturer: Rifle
Manufacturer: Krauser

Manufacturer: Unknown, it looks like it'll poke your eye out though!
Update: It's a Jacwal Superwedge, source: LINK


Manufacturer: Falcon, kind of cool in a way

Manufacturer: Glaser Monza, kind of funky

Another Glaser Monza

Manufacturer: Luftmeister

Manufacturer: Pantera

Manufacturer: Vesco Rapid Transit

Different angle on the Vesco Rapid Transit

Manufacturer: Vetter Windjammer III

The Falcon fairing would have been a close second choice for me to the BMW S fairing but I think I'll just stick with what I have for now. If Brigitta ever becomes my long distance tourer, one of the things I'd have to add to the S fairing's windshield would be this:

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